Miracles Unveiled: Divine Intervention in a Rational World
Miracles have been a topic of fascination and debate for centuries. From religious texts to modern-day accounts, the concept of miracles has captured the imagination of people all over the world. But what exactly are they, and how do they happen? In this article, we will delve into this mystery and attempt to explain them. I'll also tell you about a strange coincidence about how I joined the miracles club!
by Rod Long at unsplash
What are Miracles?
Before we can understand how they happen, we must first define what they are. A miracle is an event that is considered to be supernatural, divine, or unexplainable by natural or scientific laws. It is often seen as a sign of divine intervention or a manifestation of a higher power.
In some religions, miracles are seen as a way for a deity to communicate with their followers or to demonstrate their power. In Christianity, for example, the Bible is filled with accounts of miracles performed by Jesus, such as healing the sick and turning water into wine. In another instance, Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. These stories are seen as evidence of Jesus' divinity and his ability to perform acts that go beyond human capabilities.
How Do They Happen?
This question has puzzled scientists, theologians, and philosophers for centuries. While there is no definitive answer that pleases everyone, there are just a handful of theories that attempt to explain their occurrence.
The Power of Faith
by Marly Mele at unsplash
Often seen in religious practices, people will pray for miracles and believe that their faith will make them come true through divine interventions. For those who believe in a higher power, unexplained miracles are seen as a way for God to communicate with followers and demonstrate his love by intervening in the natural world.
Other Theories
Some skeptics argue that seemingly miraculous events are simply coincidences or the result of chance. They believe that there is a scientific explanation for everything and what may seem like a miracle is just a rare occurrence that can be explained by natural laws. Others argue that miracles are the manifestation of the power of the mind through an ability to influence the physical world, because we are truly created in God's image. For example:
The One Minute Prayer: How kings manifested wealth, and how you can create abundance with ease
Modern Examples
by Andry Roby at unsplash
There have been many reported unusual occurrences happening in modern times that cannot be explained by science. These include unexplainable healings, strange phenomena, and instances of people surviving a tragedy against all odds.
One of the most famous modern-day miracles is the Miracle of the Sun, which occurred in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. According to witnesses, the sun appeared to dance in the sky and change colors, despite there being heavy rain and clouds. This event was witnessed by thousands of people and is seen as a sign of divine intervention by the Virgin Mary.
In 1953, a statue of the Virgin Mary in Syracuse, Italy was reported to have shed tears of blood. This event, known as the Miracle of the Weeping Madonna, was witnessed by thousands of people and is still considered a miracle by many Catholics.
The "Miracle on the Hudson" happened in 2009, where a commercial airplane was forced to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River in New York City. Despite the odds, all 155 passengers and crew members survived, leading many to believe it was a miracle.
The Carlo Acutis miracles that led to his beatification occurred in Brazil, where a boy named Mattheus was healed from a serious birth defect called an annular pancreas after he and his mother prayed for Acutis's intercession. This remarkable healing, acknowledged by the Catholic Church, showcases the profound impact of faith and the intercessory power attributed to Acutis after his death.
My Digital Life: A Gift of Miracles
My website (123iwin.com) is obviously commercial in nature, and is in no way affiliated with any church or religious group. The site is organized by niche category and I write articles about wide-ranging topics in the hopes that people will click on something they are interested in, and I'll get a small commission. I try to write about topics and list books that will help people.
Amazon truncates product URLs with affiliate information to make it easier for webmasters to manage. As I was creating links for books that I am listing on my site, I noticed that an automatically generated link for a children's book was this:
Did you notice anything unusual about that link, because I did! I am used to glazing past all kinds of nonsense letter and number combinations with other book URLs, so this was very startling when it caught my eye. They say that sometimes people just see what they want to see (even subconsciously), so I just brushed it aside for a couple of days. But, I kept thinking about it!
I was first intrigued that I was lucky enough to get an actual word in a random link. So, I asked AI what the probability of generating a random code was with this - Answer: "1 in 36^8, which is an extremely low probability since there are 2,821,109,907,456,000 (over 2.8 quadrillion) possible combinations." In other words, a bigger number than the US Federal Deficit.
Now, what is Psalm 48 you ask?
Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2048&version=NKJV
I know that we often humanize random patterns to make sense out of them, and this passage didn't really resonate with me at first. Perhaps this is just a strange coincidence, because even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Just before I closed the search page, I saw a link for a YouTube video explaining the meaning of it. Conclusion: Psalm 48 is really all about Jesus. I never would've guessed that, because even I remember that Psalms are in the Old Testament, and written way before Jesus came around.
Interesting, but it seemed like I was going down a blind alley, and then I thought of something else. None of this has anything to do with a "Very Hungry Caterpillar!" Ha! So to finally put this one to rest and quash any further distraction, I looked up the book's title and saw a link that described what this children's tale is about. The conclusion: its really all about Jesus! What? See for yourself:
Link: https://pastorross1.wordpress.com/2018/04/01/the-parable-of-the-very-hungry-caterpillar/
Now, I know that artificial intelligence is not the same as infinite intelligence, but I had to be the devil's advocate, because not everything is about Jesus. So, I asked ChatGPT: What is the probability that a randomly generated affiliate code from Amazon could be associated with the referenced book's content in any way? The answer:
"Randomly generated URLs are typically not designed to convey specific content information. They are often generated for tracking and marketing purposes rather than reflecting content....the probability is very low."
Very low? That's it? I was hoping for another number, but AI couldn't deliver. Got it! Math, meet philosophy.
In order to determine the probability of two events occurring, you multiply the probabilities together. Multiplying the chance of getting "48PsALm" (1 in 36^8) generated for any book and the chance that the code happens to be related to the book's interpreted content defies explanation since "very low" cannot be defined - only described. Anything times null = 0, which means no chance, but it did happen.
This code was only meant for me to see by Amazon's random URL generator to insert it into my website, but maybe there is a reason why you were meant to also hear about it? Anyways, I've done my part. Here's a good tune to listen to while you ponder where this may lead.
House of Miracles Lyrics
Link: https://bethelmusic.com/resources/house-of-miracles-live/house-of-miracles
House of Miracles Chords
Link: https://www.psalmnote.com/song/house-of-miracles-chords-brandon-lake
Miracles are a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon that has captured the attention of people for centuries. While there is no single explanation to satisfy everyone, the belief in miracles continues to be a source of comfort and inspiration for many. Whether they are seen as the power of faith, the power of the mind or truly random occurrences, miracles will continue to be a topic of fascination and debate for years to come.
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